January 2024

Jan. 27 is National Seed Swap Day

According to the National Day Calendar, the last Saturday in January is National Seed Swap Day. The first Seed Swap Day was held in Washington D.C., on Jan. 26, 2006. Founder Kathy Jentz had the last Saturday of January named an official holiday and National Seed Swap Day was born. Since then, cities across the country have held their own versions of Seed Swap Day.

First prohibition law passed

On Jan. 26, 1838, Tennessee became the first State in the history of the United States to pass a law regarding Prohibition. The law made it a misdemeanor to sell alcoholic beverages in taverns and stores. The bill stated that all persons convicted of retailing “spirituous liquors” would be fined at the “discretion of the court” and that the fines would be used in support of public schools.